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Recipe Keeper

Your personal recipe book, index card style.
Minimalist interface makes it quick and easy to open and jot down notes.
You can install this site as a native Android / iOS app.



This site was designed to have a simple minimalistic interface that makes it easier to access quickly. Other recipe sites tend to have too many features that make it cumbersome for quick notetaking.
There are no comments, likes, favorites, etc.
Markdown is supported.
JSON-LP (SEO) is generated for every recipe.
You can upload your own profile picture and banner, and share your whole profile / cookbook like a social platform.
You can view your recipes on any device without having to login. Just go to recipekeeper.cc/username


I'm not a front end developer, so the UI might need a little polish.
If you have any comments, suggestions, bug reports, you can contact me here: voldrix@gmail.com

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